Vodafone 845/Huawei u8120 (on Mac OS X)
The Vodafone 845 is using the same ZeroCD crap as other UMTS hardware by Huawei. For Linux (or libusb), usb_modeswitch exists, but this did not work for me.
So here is how to toggle the device itself without any special driver.
su -c ‘echo 1035 > /sys/devices/platform/msm_hsusb_periphera/composition’
This will not hide the Mobile Partner CD drive but its USB product id changes, which allows now to use the osx-pl2303 driver and also adb from the android SDK to be used.
See here for how to load the pl2303 driver. Note that OS X is using decimal representation of vendor id and product id (0x12d1 -> 4817, 0x1035 -> 4149).
This should also work with the T-Mobile Pulse Mini and maybe with other Android devices built by Huawei.
Edit: You need to have root on your device.
If you have root, you can try this small application: ToggleUSB.apk
Google hints: Vodafone 845 u8120 0x12d1 0x1031 0x12d1 0x1035 Mobile Partner Pulse Mini
Hi Henrique,
is your deviced rooted? You have to execute this on your device.
If you have root, you can try this small application: ToggleUSB.apk
by nusse
2010, August 18 (Wed)@ 12:44
Ah… I see now. I didn’t realize that it had to be rooted… But it makes sense now. I wanted to root it anyway. I’ll get to it then. Thanks for your help!
BTW that apk is to same effect as the command right?
by Henrique
2010, August 18 (Wed)@ 18:48
Hey! Just to let you know your thing did it! I used your APK and it worked perfectly!
We should spread this. I’ve talked with Vodafone and they just don’t support OSX (or Linux for that matter) so anyone who goes and buys this phone and wants to develop on it gets stuck…
If you want, you can send me the source and I’ll polish it a bit and maybe you can put on XDA or something…
Anyway, thanks a lot! You saved my ass! :)
by Henrique
2010, August 18 (Wed)@ 20:17
The application really just executes the command :)
Nice to that it works, same might apply for other Huawei phones. Permanently disabling the CD drive would be nicer.
by nusse
2010, August 18 (Wed)@ 21:40
hi! I’m trying to do this with my 845. When I run your command however, I get: “su: illegal option – c”
also, the path in the command is relative to mac osx or android? because I can’t find it in mac os…