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 February 2007 Archives

2007, February 04 (Sun)

Netzwelt MySQL to PostgreSQL

If you want to convert from MySQL to PostgreSQL, use the following command to have mysqldump spit out sane SQL:

% mysqldump $DATABASE_NAME -v -nt --compatible=ansi,postgresql --complete-insert=TRUE --extended-insert=FALSE --compact --default-character-set=UTF8 -u $DATABASE_USER -p -r $OUTPUT_FILE

You should then hoopefully be able to load this dump into your PostgreSQL database using


from within psql.

This piece of information is hidden deeply within the net! It is not clearly written in the mysqldump docs. There are lots of Google results for “MySQL to PostgreSQL” but most of them are needlessly silly and of doubting quality. Spread this info!

Converting the database schema cannot be handled by witty mysqldump switches and is left as an exercise to the reader.

2007, February 11 (Sun)

Linux, Netzwelt Shell.FM: A textmode last.fm-player

If you like last.fm, but (like me) you don't like all these shiny gui players, because you think that you don't need a gui to play music, you should try out Shell.FM.
Shell.FM is a very simple console player for last.fm, which seems to have all the features of gui players. The interface is not very intuitive, but it's well documented and quick to learn.
Anyway, you just need to enter your username and password and it will start playing your favourite songs.
It is written for Linux, but will probably run on any unix-based operating system.
For now it ran very stable on my ubuntu-based multimedia-system.

You can find everything you need at http://nex.scrapping.cc/shell-fm/

If you like this program you should also consider joining the group shell-fm on last.fm, where you can find some more stuff, like a perl module to control Shell.FM over a socket, an LCD module to output the status through lcdproc or a port to ARM which will make it run on some handhelds.

2007, February 14 (Wed)

Netzwelt Irssi, PuTTY, Screen & Unicode UTF-8

For some reason it seems to be non-trivial to get Unicode to work in console apps, so I decided to make an illustrated guide about Irssi, PuTTY and GNU screen. Hope it helps.

Note: you needn’t be using GNU screen to follow this guide.

Since this is screenshot-heavy, the images are hidden after the jump.

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